Monday, June 29, 2009

6 Monday, back to the grind... for some of us

Dear Blog
Title is kinda funky, but you know, some people have to go back to work (except for us on vacation). So my mom and Menena went out shopping. Andres and I started to paint the girls room. It had a flower pattern wall paper. However, the colors were a little bit dark, so to lighten it up, Ximena bought some nice yellow paint. The closet doors will be white. So, we only got one coat up today, but it's starting to look much better.
After a hard day of work for us, and after a long day at Jerry's job for Jerry, we all went to the beach, SÃ¥nnas, and had a great time. Another one of those first times in my life moment which was jumping off a high platform into the lake. Now I wasn't so worried about the deepness, but the freaking height I had to jump from, which I guess translates to how far I sank and deepness. You could almost see over all the tall trees standing on that platform, so the only way to do it is not think, run and jump. Awesome! So I did it 2 more times. The next time, I wanted to take a better picture, but I couldn't get the timing right, so I prematurely jumped, and yelp or yelled as I was falling. The last time totally sucked. I was running, and right as I squatted to jump, my feet slipped forwards. I saw my feet in front of me and my hands waving out in front of me.... I was flat in the air. I hit the water, POW! My whole back slapped the water, and it stung! Well, it only hurt for about 5 minutes after I got out the water, but enough to where I didn't want to dive anymore. But I'm soo glad I did it! Even Ximena came out swimming with us... I'm not sure if that was a first for her, but it was still nice!
After this, we stopped a few places around the area that Jerry knew. We saw some nice stones, tables, and more beautiful sunsets and lakes. Then we took a drive in hunt for an elk. I never seen an elk, and I was hoping that I could see one tonight, but I did not. But we saw a few bambi's which I think are plain deer. I have a picture of one, but it's very far away.
Well, at night, we got home and had some very nice food. Homemade soda using water, syrup, and carbonation machine and I had Gorby's, a potato bread and meat with chili sauce. Good stuff.
It's late, and I will sleep after a nice long, but relaxiing day for me! I miss my girlfriend, and I wish she could be here with me.
- E.T.

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