Monday, June 22, 2009

The 12th and Last Day in Austin

Dear Blog,

Wow! Time has passed sooo fast. I can't believe it. Well, I woke up about 10:30 AM today and invested in some additional stocks. Not too much, but needed to add a few stocks since the stock market took a hit today.

Well, I went straight to that overgrown hedge, and I don't know what I can do to get that out of there. It's stuck pretty good, and a pretty good chance that I'm hitting cement or stones with my shovel. So I took the weed whacker and attacked it from the top. After I cut everything I could, it was time for gloves and some good ol' manual root pulling. Took some time, and I am not even near done. But it looks a bit better, I think!

I took a shower, and my bro and family took me to see the movie Up. Wow, what a great movie. "Adventure is out there!" Heart warming goodness. For me, it makes me think about my life. What do I want? Is it really as simple as this one goal? What do we do after that goal? Has it already happened? Am I looking too far outside the box to enjoy all the wonders inside this box? I don't know! Sometimes it's hard to appreciate everything you have when you are soo deadset on a goal. I know when I'm pursuing that goal so hard that I just don't ever look around. Days, Months, Years go by, and people asked what did I do... I say I'm still trying to reach this impossible goal.

Well, a very attainable goal I have in mind is to make a very nice Risotto. Here in Austin (and I'm sure many places), there's this awesome TV station called Create. I really enjoy it! There's cooking shows, hobby shows, and, even better, cool electronic shows. I was up late last night watching some cooking show called Lidia's Italy. She made a Risotto by sweating some onions and oil, toasting short-grain rice, and then slowly adding water and evaporting it making this creamy rice plate. Then Spinach was added toward the end, and the last round of water, cheese and butter is added. Just yum! And also Frico was made. The episode was #214, Risotto Fresh and Green.

There's also this cool show called Make, based on the magazine. And that's where all the cool technology stuff happens. If I had this station back in New Orleans, I'd check this show out for sure!

So I did laundry, folded clothes, and I'm about ready to go to Sweden. So my mom's friend, Gunnar, will be coming to pick us up from Goteborg. He will be traveling from Stockholm all the way to Goteborg to pick us up. Then once we get picked up, we will go to my cousin, Ximena's and her husband, Jerry's house. That trip will be from the airport at Goteborg to Tanumshede. I can't wait! I'm not sure what we'll do there, but whatever we do, I'll try to keep it all in writing and pictures.

Well I'm getting sleepy and have a big trip in front of me. Right now, the time is around 11:30 PM, Monday here in Austin, TX and the time there is 6:30 AM, Tuesday (+7 hours in Sweden).

- E^T

I know this song is like a year old, but I like still like it and gets me pumped! It must be that semi-techno beat at the beginning. Lady Gaga - Just Dance.

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