Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Dear Blog,

Four Hour Workweek was an interesting read. I have some friends that say it was an OK book, and other's say it was complete bologna (in nice terms). Anway, I gave it a read, and it was a good self-help book to get ya motivated.

DEAL is the acronym the majority of the chapters seem to go through. Define what you want (cost, style, quantity, etc.). Eliminate all the excess activities that don't get you results. The author mentioned Pareto's Principle where 80% of what you are doing is only giving you 20% your output, and vice versa, 20% of what you are doing is giving you 80% of your output. Automate your tasks so you don't have to be part of the machine you call your job. The author challenges everyone to hire a person in India or wherever most economical to gain experience not only automating some mundane tasks, but to gain experience "bossing" someone else around. Liberate your life! Find out what to do with the free time you have. Travel, Vagabond, etc.

Good stuff, but I don't think I'll be able to follow in his footsteps exactly. I like to work, and not really sure if I can define what I want exactly or eliminate all the things I think bring me happiness just yet. Once I get fed up with my career again, I may give this a shot.

- E.T.

1 comment:

  1. I have not read it yet, but it is good to think about what you use your time for. Get some analytical thinking going.
