Dear Blog,
I decided that I am going to use Ansca Corona to develop a game I'm working on vs. Airplay SDK. This LUA language is soo much easier than C++. I still would love to have my games programmed in C++, but for just me, it'll take too long to get to my final destination. So, LUA it is! Anyway, here is a quick batch file that I like to keep in my projects directory so all I have to do is drag the folder to this batch file, or type in the name of the porject I'm working on.
@echo off echo ------------------------- echo Shortcut to LUA Simulator echo ------------------------- echo. SET coronaSimulator=%ProgramFiles(x86)% IF "%coronaSimulator%" == "" SET coronaSimulator=%ProgramFiles% SET coronaSimulator=%coronaSimulator%\Ansca\Corona Simulator\Corona Simulator.exe IF NOT [%1] == [] GOTO PROCEED SET /P simulateTarget=Enter name of your project? :PROCEED IF NOT [%simulateTarget%] == [] SET simulateTarget="%simulateTarget%" SET simulateTarget=%1%simulateTarget%\main.lua IF NOT EXIST %simulateTarget% GOTO MESSAGE start "Corona Simulator" "%coronaSimulator%" %simulateTarget% GOTO END :MESSAGE echo Project does not exist: %simulateTarget% pause :END
Heck Yeah Corona for the Win!!! :-)
ReplyDeleteAt least for now.
Yeah! Corona SDK, winner!!! It's been a fun trip so far, learning LUA and all. I like things to be more Object-Oriented so, found some code online to make me happy :P. Anyway, going to knix this batch file! Some stuff doesn't run when I run it this way (Don't know why!?) But I'm making a quick Chess game to learn how to use this, and it crashes when I drag (when I open it from the batch file, but not when I open it from the Simulator). Crazy! Bye batch file!