Friday, January 29, 2010

My Fig Cake, Coax Cable Crimp/Compress, New Pre Case

Dear Blog,

Phew! Been a couple days, but I'm back! I don't have many pix, but I'll give a highlight reel of my past week (of nothing that important).

Before the big freeze here in New Orleans, Colleen collected the figs off our fig tree and boiled them down to a fig preserve. It was sweet, but I didn't know quite what to do with them. So I thought of Fig Newtons... I like those a lot, and figured that's what I could do with the perserves! So I baked a giant fig cake, and gave it a taste. It's nice for the first bite, but as you keep eating, it just doesn't agree! Oh well, gave it a shot. Here's how it looked like.

Then I decided to tackle a project behind my TV computer.... sorting out the coax cable back there. I bought a compressor, strpper, and F connectors set for R6 cables (or R59, i forget). So the two types of ways to put the connector on the end of a coax cable it Compression or Crimp. I chose compression because I have already done crimping with RJ-45 cable (Ethernet Cable), and I wanted to see something diffrent... It's really no too different, but as all cable connection setup, you have to clip and strip the end of the coax. Once you have a stripped coax, you simply slide the connector on and jam it as deep as you can into the coax's jacket. Then the compression type connectors have a plunger type area (black part in the picture below). When you compress the connector, you basically take the metal ring end of the connector, and bring it into the rest of the connector, and you no longer see the plunger. It stays on.... good enough for me. So I made a few short cables out of one medium cable, and now the splitter and the back of the computer look somewhat organized! Here are the tools and connectors I used (stripper, compressor, F connectors).

I was complaining about my Palm Pre's silicone case before, and low and behold, a plastic snap on cover has answered my prayers. I like the color and it's stability. Finally a case cover I don't have to sorry about losing! The feel may not be as cool as a jelly/silicone cover, but it stays on. That's really the most I can asked for, for a sliding face phone. So I'm happy with it.

All and all, a pretty good week. I had some audacious goals for the game I'm working on, but didn't meet them. Even though it's the weekend, I hope I can spend a few of these hours working on the game, cause I fell a bit behind this week. As for now, I say to you, adieu.

- E.T.

PS - Don't watch The Girlfriend Experience, bad movie! I watched it streaming on Netflix, and there was really nothing in that movie that made me feel any completeness. Just people thrown in front of a camera following a very vague story. Watch out!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Saints Win! Super Bowl Bound!

Dear Blog,

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Palm Pre Battery Drain - My Solution

Dear Blog,

I figure I'd blog about my struggles with Palm Pre battery issues after certain updates!

Where I'm Starting Off

I bought a Palm Pre, flashed a custom firmware on it (qinray 1.0.4 v2). I then used novaterm to install Dropbear which is a SSH server for my phone so that I can just PuTTy and sFTP right into it. Then I setup ez-ipudate so that I could have a static hostname for my dynamic-IP address, so I only had to type instead of All convenient, and never really had an issue. My phone would last me about 2 days without a charge.

Before - Updating PRL

The first time I encounter phone dying within one day problem with little or no usage was right around the 1.3 update. The solution I found to this was updating the PRL and disabling roaming. In weak signal areas, your phone keeps polling the area and draining your battery fast! Especially if you have roaming on (that's a whole bunch of more places to poll).

So first easiest thing to try is disabling your roaming, which can be done right from your phone. Press your menu button on bottom of your phone, tap the phone icon, click your provider on top left of screen (most likely Sprint), tap Preferences, Drag down to the Network Section, Tap Voice Network, Select Sprint Only.

While you're there also try updating your PRL (Preferred Roaming List). It' just a button almost at the dead bottom of the previous step.

If you can't update your PRL from your phone (like me), use computer software to update your PRL... I won't go into detail here, but overall: I find the latest PRL on the net (60659 during this post) and use QPST's Service Programming -> Roam Tab -> Browse for my PRL and click Write to Phone. Done!

The Update

Well I have lots of homebrew software as stated in my Where I'm Starting off section. I can't really tell you which step fixed my problem, but here goes my story. After about a week or two of charging my phone every night because battery dies within 1 day, I got fed up. This weekend, I was determined to find out what was wrong. But before that, I could not even turn on my phone with the A/C adapter plugged in! So I pop the battery out, wait about a minute, pop it back in, and it starts charging! Nice! But I was determined to find out what was wrong.

I read some forums online, and I noticed people without homebrew had significantly more post praising the battery life, where homebrewers like me were shunning the battery. So immediately I thought, it must be my homebrew software. At this point, I have an SSH, sFTP, and DynDNS on my phone. My focus immediately went to DynDNS. How often was it polling? I had no clue. So I added period=86400 to /opt/etc/ez-ipupdate.conf to poll just once a day. This could have fixed my problem, but I delved deeper.

I then read this post, and installed Preware. I love Preware! I was doing everything by SSH before, but little did I know, this could be my last SSH session ever! I agreed to everything, and installed a few apps, like battery mointor, flashlight, etc. More imporantly, Preware didn't register I had software like Dropbear (SSH), and EZ-IPUpdate installed, so I just reinstalled them on top of my previous installs from Preware. Left the battery monitor software on over night last night. Woke up, and had only a 1.52% drop of battery per hour vs something like 8% - 10%. Oh man! It was wonderful!

Oh, and I use GMAIL, Exchange, Wifi, and EVDO (email polls every 30 minutes).


I'm excited about my new battery life, and maybe it's not Palm's fault entirely, but maybe us tweakers may be to blame (just little itty bitty bit). But once Palm learns to leave tweaker's settings alone, I think we can live in harmony! :) Later!

- ETdoFresh

PS - Use WebOS Internals for all your Homebrew needs! Very cool place!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A little more on the Nike+

Dear Blog,

Today in the mail, I got my Nike+ Sensor, and my Nike+ Sensor Pouch (what are the chances that I'd get them the same day?).

I unpacked it, and it was so small. I liked it! I immediately put it on my shoe.

I gave it a little test run around the house, and it seemed to do an OK job. But I then put it up to the real test. I uploaded some music to my iPod Touch, typed in the distance (1.5 mi), and pressed Start! I proceeded to run 1.5 mi, and when I passed out on my back patio, I looked at the miles.... zero! What happened! I hit start? Anyway, I'll give it another shot tomorrow. I'll make sure it starts registering my miles before I pick up the pace.

The interface is alright. I was expecting to see more information about my "friends" at Apparently, it's really hard to friend anyone if you don't share your info. I shared mine, but my bro did not. I tried "friend"ing him, but it would never let me add him. However, he could request me very easily. He switched his data to publicly available for about 1 minutes, and I saw all his jogs as status updates on his site. But when he switched it back, they all disappeared. We haven't had a new run available to see if it only shows runs after we become friends, but I doubt it! That sucks, I was hoping to see all the cool graphs of my friends with this thing. I like where Nike+ is going, they just haven't got there yet. I'll still continue to use it as my personal time and distance tracker for my runs.... but I wish it was more than that!

- ETdoFresh

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Can Google Hear You Now?

Dear Blog,

My bro invited me to use Google Voice. This is a cool little service that tries to replace your old voicemail service.

What I expected

Well, like my voicemail at my old engineering job, I knew I'd probably be able to play through the computer. It was cool, but was it worth Google taking over my voicemail just for that?

What I didn't expect

It doesn't clutter your email if you don't want it to. There's a seperate "Inbox" of voicemails on the Google Voice homepage. If you want to be notified by email, it'll send you an email with a direct link to play the voicemail. On top of that, Google Voice transcribes the voicemail! That's awesome. So, not only do you get a link to the audio file, it sends you the text of what the person said! Now that's nice! Now I'm seriously considering leaving my old voicemail to go with Google.

The setup

Not hard. These are the steps I went through (if memory serves me correctly):

  • Gave google my phone number
  • Google gave me a two digit code
  • They called me and asked for the two digit code
  • Google Voice account got created and voicemail # was given to me
  • I was given a number to type to switch my current voicemail to Google voicemail
  • Changed the settings so that I get an email (you can also get SMS, or text messages, of the call) when a voicemail is recieved.

I know somewhere in there I was able to record my greeting before I got the voicemail account, but I forget. Anyway, setup was easy, and I had Google Voice.


Well, I don't know for sure how I feel about Google having access to my voicemail, but the features are darn cool! Maybe if Sprint would offer this to me, I can use them instead of Google. Give it a try, and if you need an invite, I think I can send them!

- ETdoFresh

Palm Pre - Jelly, Rubber, Silicone Case Review

Dear Blog,

Today I'm going to review the Palm Pre Silicone Case (AKA Jelly or Rubber Case).

The Look and Feel

This case looks cool! I may even like the style of the Palm Pre with the case on, more than I do with it off! I'm a sucker for a rubber case. But more importantly the feel! Man, the feel is great!! I love the grip that you get when the case is on. No slip, no problem. Unlike the plastic, kind of cheap, material you feel when the Pre is bare, the rubber just gives it a ruff'N'tuff kind of feel. Very nice.

The Actual Story

Although it seems nice, this case actually SUCKS. Yeah, I know I was praising it above, but the "so-called" adhesive technology could not hold a dot of tissue paper on a wall of honey. OK, well maybe that's an overstatement... but after 3 or 4 days the faceplate portion of the case slipped off. After it slipped off once, it never really felt the same. And when it started to feel loose, I started playing with it, probably making it more and more loose. Now it's useless. The bottom part is still with me, but, it does only half the job... literally. I even applied a weak glue to the case and phone (my girlfriend bought puzzle glue). It helped the faceplate part of the case to stay on for another 2 days, but it came off again. With such a flimsy piece, I think more drastic attachment is necessary.


I would give this product an overall negative review due to its reliability. It feels great and looks cool, but at what cost? My next purchase will be a snap-on case... we'll see how long that lasts...

- E.T.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Eat, Run, Games (play), Eat, Sleep

Dear Blog,

I still have to update blog posts TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2009 to THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 2009, but should be done shortly. I'm basically setting it up so that when you click a pic, you get the full resolution (available on picasa) and that they all use HTML (especially <p>).

Phew. Anyway. Went to my bud's house to watch Farve and the Vikings destroy the Cowboys. Can't wait 'til New Orleans gets to do the same to them, but that's 7 days from now.

So what did I really do today?... basically just the title of this blog. I always feel guilty watching TV, but Colleen says she does not! She says "I put in an honest 8 hours a day each work a week, so when I have free time, I don't have a problem watching TV." I got to give it to the girl, she's right! But I don't put in normal hours, and don't really keep track (as of yet) how many hours I'm putting into projects. So I feel like, "shoot, if I have free time, I should be working on life altering career that I'm trying to build instead of watching TV". It drives me nuts! I can't enjoy a free minute without being haunted. Well. sometimes I can, sometimes I can't. I get this feeling the most when I sit on my couch at home! The comfiest place is where I feel the most guilty. Come on! Anyway, I'm not worried, cause I will continue to strive for my goal, and ultimately get what I want! Isn't that what we all want... for E.T. to get what he wants? Haha, kidding... we all desire something, and we all want our goals to come true. Let's make sure we either get it done or move on... no in-betweenie weenies!

- E.T.

Who Dat said they gonna beat them Saints!?

Dear Blog,

Alright! Saints won a playoff game! I'm sooo excited. I've been really watching a lot of football since playoffs started. I even BBQed today, cause I was just excited about football. You better believe I'm going to do everything exactly like I did today to please the football gods. Lots of work during the week, and all the same rituals during the weekend!

So, I jogged a whole 2 miles today! Oh my gosh! That took a beating out of me. Colleen still jogs slightly faster than I do, but I'm thinking I may run an aditional sprint every other day just so I can build up some speed!

And then we celebrated a friends birthday afterwards, and watched the terminal. I wish I never have to hear that my country is at war when I leave to visit other countries! When Colleen and I got home, we finished a mosaic puzzle of Charlie Brown! Man it was hard at the end when all we had were red pieces, but we still got a strategy going, and finished it up! All-in-all, fun times!

- E.T.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Pre you, man! Pre you!

Dear Blog,

Does this look familiar? Man, if your Palm Pre has been upgrading itself, maybe that answer would be "YEAH!"! At least I know that's my answer! Come on Palm (PALM), get this firmware together. I updated to and it doesn't last a day anymore. My previous problem was the PRL file and turning off roaming... I got it back to 2.25 days. But then when another update comes around, another issue pops up! I just want my phone to last roughly two days with light to moderate usage, and still have access to all sorts of cool features like mail, facebook, etc. But I get about .8 days of power now! Stock battery.... ick!

On another note, my bro said he may get more serious about blogging again! I love it! I'm not too sure which one he'll write in mainly, but I guess I'll follow Alex's Life since the latest post is in that!

I love blogging, and I love just using Dreamweaver to type up my blog and upload it to blogspot! I don't have much tonight, except super excited about the New Orleans Saints Football game tomorrow. It's going to be a blast! Later!

- E.T.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

iPod Touch Case Fail!

Dear Blog,

It's been a few days since I got this case, but the more I play with my iPod Touch, the more I see this god awful case! It's actually a really cool case, but the color! Ick!

I bought it off ebay. And the seller pointed out, tell me the color on your notes section on PayPal and I will send you that color, otherwise, don't blame me for the color selection. So I checked out, and didn't see this box anywhere. He said not to email about color, so I said "what the hey", I'll still get a silicone case, and whatever color it happens to be, it'll be destiny. But my destiny thinks it'd be funny for me to get a pink case! Haha, very funny destiny! Anyway, I'll keep it on as a reminder for times where I make mistakes. Mistakes happen, it's no big deal, but I DO have to live with the consequences!

I just woke up from like a 2 hour nap, and I'm wide awake @ 11:25 PM. I guess I'll sneak some programming in, and see what "work" I can sneak in tonight. Later!

- E.T.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Run, ET..... RUN!!!

Dear blog,

Brr. Another cold night in New Orleans. I have a schedule to keep to run the Crescent City Classic. Goodness, I can't see how I'll be able to train for 3 more months! But I will along with other things!

So I'm getting into this thing called Nike+. I just purchased the Nike+ Sensor online for $18.94 from J&Rs and bought the Marware Sportsuit Sensor for $9.95 after shipping. It's this sensor that you put on your shoe that let's you know how far you ran and includes sign up to a site where you can share your info with your friends. Cool stuff! I'll see how it goes and post my stuff maybe here on the blog too!

I've been getting work done, and feeling good! I hope to continue on this trend. Motivation = Good Feeling! Let's keep it up!

- E.T.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Think... Rethink... Time to Reflect

Dear blog,

Today has been a day of reflection for me. What do I want to do? Where do I want to go? Who do I want to take? When do I want to do this? How is it going to be done? That's right, the five question words in the English language. I want to answer these, and I've been avoiding this so hard that I never found an answer.

I figure I'd find the answer if I just thought about it...

What: I want create video games. I played them so long in my life, I have a good grasp of what is good and what is bad. I know them like the back of my hand. It's my passion. But plan B is to teach. I love teaching. I feel like I'm due to share knowledge to the world, since so much has been shared with me. I will never stop learning, but I do want to start teaching.

Where: Here. Right here! I have an established life, and I have settled down here in Metairie, LA. There's no place I rather live, and no one I rather live with. I started my LLC in Louisiana, and I hope to stay here for a good amount of time. I'm not opposed to visit other places, because traveling is one of my true loves, but I have a home (and it's not just a building that I live in) and here is where I start.

Who: Well it'll have to be me, but I do have a friend who is filled with ideas. He helps me out, not just in idea creation, but really keeps me motivated. When I think I was at my worst of unmotivation, he called me out on it. He's right, I'm really not going to get anywhere unless I apply myself.... and I will only apply myself if I have motivation. He'll be someone I take along if I start moving along.

One other person would be my brother. If there is someone I have to name I have the most in common with, it's my brother. He probably molded my dreams as much as I have for myself. One of my dreams is to own a business and to work together to make awesome games. Although it feels like a lot of time has passed already, I feel there's still much fire left in both of us to make this dream, or any other's we may have, come true.

When: Now is the time to start! But "when will the money come?" is the big question. The answer is, "I honestly don't know!". I really hope I can make this a lucrative venture, but if I can't, I may want to fall back on teaching. It's the only other passion in life I have. If I can't get anything done by Fall 2010, I think my life may need to turn its direction to teaching and I'll start going for my PhD.

How: That's really for me to know, and you to find out. I want to take it in small steps. But not small amounts of work. Each step will require much time, but I need complete steps so I feel like I'm doing something, and keep myself motivated. So, I will have to define steps for myself, and get on it!

Reflection is nice, and gives me some confidence to do what I love. I just need to shake off some negative parts of 2009 which are still attached to me in some ways, and get on with it. Tell me if there's anything else I can do to get my goals done!

- E.T.

Long time no blog!

Dear Blog,

Wow! Long time no blog! I really wanted to blog since the New Year, but something has kept me from doing it. I blame it on games! Right! Games! The one thing in my life that I was supposed to be striving for and making a career for myself has been the one thing that has been my down fall these last two months! Darn you very fun games!

So what games? Well, I'll tell you my life sucker! It's Team Fortress 2! Oh man! That game has leeched onto my life and sucked every free second out of it. I can't believe I let it do it too! I have a very addicting game personality, and if something is too fun for even a little while, I play! The game has 9 different classes, and with all the people out there, the dynamic is soo different. And me, I have the "I want to be the best player" bug, and I keep playing and playing until I either think I'm the best player or I just give up! It's been a wonderful distraction, but a horrible motivator. I'm stagnant all night playing this game, where I could be programming or learning something new. Wow, I never thought I would talk bad about games, but it really hurting me at this point in my life where I want to go somewhere! Make money! Do something creative!

Ugh! I beat myself up and up, and today, I deleted the game off my computer. It took me 2 weeks of actually saying it to myself before it finally happened! Slippery road I'm on. Anyway, I'm shaking off the cob-webs, getting ready to get back to work! But it took way too long. But ergo, I must try! Try as hard as I can, because regret is the one useless waste of energy in life, and why waste good energy? Let's go! Let's get a move on to my life's mission. Let's put down the controller (or keyboard and mouse) and let's make some games (and pick up that same keyboard and mouse)!

To start, I'll play around with this nice Apple Ipod Touch 3rd Generation. I wonder if I should try forcing my programs onto my device, or cough up some money, and just be 100% legit on this. The answer is obvious I know, but it's hard to break old habits. It also comes with this Nike Program which I'll try out. It tell you distance you ran, etc. Can't wait to give it a shot!